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About Bertha's:

Hi.  My name is Christy and welcome to Bertha's Vinyl Shop!  What started as a hobby on eBay and a side hustle for extra cash has morphed into a tiny little shop in Mt. Airy, Maryland in historic downtown.


So why "Bertha's"?  It was my penned as my nickname by my Father and I'm still not sure where it came from!  I am not an expert in any shape or form.  I sell vinyl simply because I love music.  Growing up, my mother always had music on, sometimes something different in every room.  She had a large Fisher stereo (you know... the ones with those wonderful tubes...) in the hallway that regularly blasted music throughout the house in the evenings and all weekend.  Fast forward 40 years, to the digital era that has replaced most of the need to lug around or store heavy records.  But vinyl is back!  And I'm in love with every single aspect of it, from the cover art, the biographies on the back, and laying that needle down.  Add in some occasional soft surface noise, even better.


I started Bertha's Vinyl Shop because I am passionate about music, and fascinated with the artistry and all of the hard work dedicated to producing a single album and the fact that you can hold it in your hands.  A piece of art that lives on by the people that created. Each one is someone's dream.  We're holding dreams in our hands people!  My hope is that with the resurgence of vinyl, we are reminded of how music can bring us all together, 

We’ve been working hard to establish our physical location and will strive to meet and exceed buyer's expectations.  It is a work in progress!  This site was created to continue to grow and broaden our customer base.  For now, all online transactions will still take place through the eBay store.  If there is something you are looking for, but do not see, please contact us!  We have 1000's of records that have not been posted!

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